The Default Diary Mini Course
Part 3: Putting It All Together
Time to get started and make your first Default Diary!
First off, grab yourself a weekly planner – you can use Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook or event a paper calendar.
Next, using the time allocations we picked in the last section, start filling in your week.
Some regular items will always stay the same, some items will change each week.
The Important point is that you’re consciously thinking about what percentage of your work-week gets spent on what areas.
Here’s the steps to follow…
Be crystal clear about your start and finish time each day
Put in your personal commitments first – Friends, Family, Meals, Exercise…
Fill in the remaining spaces with focussed blocks of time according to the strategic goals you decided earlier
Remember that the priority is to spend time working on your business not putting out fires.
When you’re ready, head on to the final section where you can see a real-life case study and find out what happens when an entire company commits to using the Default Diary…