Can I learn Business Skills on YouTube?

In this insightful video, Kooks, an accredited business coach here at the Business Growth Agency, delves into whether YouTube is an effective tool for learning business skills. As a serial entrepreneur and investor, Kooks shares his perspective on the advantages and limitations of using YouTube for business education, emphasising the critical role of mentorship and coaching in achieving business success.


Can I learn business skills on YouTube? Hi, I’m Kooks, a serial entrepreneur, investor, former coaching student, and now one of the accredited coaches here at the Business Growth Agency, and I’m here to answer your question.

Now I love this question and the truthful answer is yes, absolutely. It’s a common belief that you can learn virtually anything on YouTube, including business skills. And while it’s true there are countless tutorials, lectures and resources available on the platform, there are some significant limitations to solely relying on YouTube for business education.

Now the best analogy I can give you is Usain Bolt could have watched thousands of hours of YouTube videos to learn how to become the fastest man in the world, and he probably did watch a few.

Yet we both know he worked for 10 or 15 years with the same coach in the real world to become a record-breaking world and Olympic champion. Similarly, in business, having a coach or a mentor can make a world of difference in your journey towards success.

It’s easy to watch videos and absorb information, but when you hit a roadblock, or encounter challenges in real life business scenarios, you may find yourself lacking the motivational guidance to overcome them.

So, this is where having a coach or a mentor becomes invaluable. Secondly, without access to real help, you may struggle to implement what you’ve learned effectively.

Business education isn’t just about acquiring knowledge, it’s about applying that knowledge in practical situations and making informed decisions. Without someone to provide feedback, answer question, and offer tailored advice, you may find it difficult to translate theory into action.

Furthermore, accountability is crucial for success in business. When you’re learning on your own, it’s easy to procrastinate or lose focus without anyone holding you accountable. A coach or a mentor can help you set goals, track your progress, and keep you accountable, ensuring that you stay on track towards achieving your objectives.

While YouTube can certainly become an almost compulsory supplement to your ongoing business education, it’s important to recognise its limitations.

To truly thrive in the world of business, consider seeking out a coach or a mentor who can provide the motivation, support, and accountability you need to succeed. Now remember, if you’re serious about taking your business to that next level, I invite you to book a free coaching session with us.

During this session, you’ll discuss your business goals, identify key areas for growth, and provide you with actionable strategies to achieve success. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back.

Take that first step towards a brighter future for your business today.

Key takeaways from the video include:

  1. YouTube as a Learning Resource: YouTube offers an extensive range of tutorials and lectures on business skills, serving as a valuable educational supplement.
  2. Limitations of Online Learning: Solely relying on YouTube for business education has significant drawbacks, particularly when facing real-world challenges and needing motivational guidance.
  3. Importance of Mentorship: Personal guidance from a coach or mentor is invaluable in translating theoretical knowledge into practical business success.
  4. Accountability in Learning: A mentor not only provides knowledge but also holds you accountable, helping maintain focus and progress towards business goals.
  5. Taking Action: Kooks invites viewers to engage in a free coaching session to set practical goals and strategies for their business, emphasising the importance of proactive steps towards success.