When Is the Right Time to Start Business Coaching?
When is the right time to start business coaching? Well, how many of you feel like you’ve always got too much to do? And whenever we’ve asked owners and leaders that question, they always tell us that the To Do list never ends.
So waiting for the right time or the best time to start coaching could be a big mistake. Because when do you have those many free hours or huge amounts of headspace if the To Do list never ends. So I believe it needs to be a different question to ask yourself, which is first of all, do you believe that the coach or the coaches that you’re talking to are credible?
In other words, they have the knowledge and expertise, and they have your best interests at heart.
Secondly, do you believe that their coaching systems are credible? In our business, for example, one of our foundational systems is our Five Ways business growth system.
Do you believe the systems that you’re seeing are credible and make sense to you? Which leads directly to a third question. Can you see evidence of tangible results of that coaches achieved?
By tangible, I mean helping their clients achieve improved financial results, but also in terms of freeing up time, using time more effectively and helping their teams perform at a higher level.
Have you seen evidence for those results? And if you can answer yes to those questions, then the right time to start coaching is now. Personally speaking, I’ve been running my practice for sixteen years. I’ve had a coach from day one.
I’ve had various different coaches, actually, not just for business in all aspects of my life, irrespective of what else is going on and when I had young kids or there was other things going on in my life or was really busy, I’ve always had coaching because I understand that as long as those three questions have been answered as a yes, it’s going to add value to my business and to my life.