What is the 45 Minute Coaching Session all About?

Discover how to elevate your business with our free 45-minute coaching session at the Business Growth Agency. In this video, Kooks explains the structured approach we use to delve into your business challenges and provide tailored solutions. Learn how this session can be a transformative experience with real, actionable insights for your business growth.


What is the 45-minute coaching session all about? Hi, I’m Kooks, social entrepreneur, investor, former coaching student and now one of the accredited coaches here at the Business Growth Agency and I am here to answer your question.

So, would you like to know what our 45-minute coaching call is all about and how it might help you? Fantastic this is an excellent question and a crucial step in understanding how we can help you transform your business. So, let’s dive right in.

Now before the call the journey begins. Before we even speak, you will complete a brief questionnaire detailing the main challenges you’re facing in your business right now. This isn’t just a form, it’s a critical tool we use to tailor our session to your specific needs.

Once you’ve done this, simply follow the steps to book your one-to-one business coaching session at a time and a date convenient to you with one of our experienced coaching staff. This preparation ensures that our time together is focused, efficient and most importantly valuable to you.

Now the actual 45-minute coaching session itself. So, this is a free coaching session where the magic really happens, and it isn’t your average discovery call. It’s a deep dive into your business where we dissect the challenges you’ve outlined in your questionnaire.

More importantly, we provide real coaching and effective methods to tackle whatever is holding you back from achieving your long-term goals. Now during the call we’ll ask you questions too. This is a two-way conversation which helps us understand your business more intimately. And let’s be clear, this is not a sales call.

There’s no pressure, no sales pitch. You’re free just to have the call and experience the value that we provide. So, our approach to coaching. The 45-minute coaching call is your opportunity to feel first hand how powerful our coaching is.

We believe in showing, not just telling if and only if you’re interested in taking things further, we will happily explain our coaching options at the end of the call. For those who want to explore more and are seriously considering investing in coaching, we offer a truly valuable 2.5-hour taster Coaching session too for no charge.

It’s a test drive of our coaching. Further down the line. Here you’ll meet other likeminded business owners all deciding if coaching is the right step for them. It’s a great way to get a feel for our community, the collaborative environment we foster and how we work.

Being honest, this is not for everyone. If you’re someone who says I know but or not willing to change some of the ways you run your business, we may not be the right coaches for you.

However, if you are a growth minded person and ready to tackle your business challenges head on to gain insights and actionable strategies, book your free coaching session today.
Remember, this is not a sales call.

It’s a real coaching session with tangible takeaways that you can implement in your business immediately. If you are serious about achieving your dreams, let’s uncover the potential in your business together.

Click the link below to book your session. We can’t wait to meet you and start this journey together.

Key takeaways from the video include:

  1. Pre-session Preparation: Complete a detailed questionnaire to tailor the session to your specific business challenges.
  2. In-depth Coaching: Unlike typical discovery calls, this session offers a deep dive into your business issues, providing genuine coaching and effective strategies.
  3. Interactive Experience: Expect a two-way conversation that helps our coaches understand your business intimately, ensuring personalised advice.
  4. No Sales Pressure: The session is purely about providing value, with no obligation or sales pitch involved.
  5. Opportunity for Further Engagement: For those interested, a complimentary 2.5-hour taster coaching session is also available to further explore the potential of coaching for your business.