How Do You Keep Your Employees Motivated?

Here’s a short videos of Louis de Rohan, founder of LDR London, talking about something that I find fascinating — motivation and team culture.

It was filmed as part of a Q&A session we organised last year. The question was “How do you keep your employees motivated?”

If you want more from Louis here are the other videos from the event:

How do you know when you have the right team?

How do you handle giving away control in your business?

What were your limiting beliefs?


If you asked everyone in your business to write down what the mission of your company is, how many different answers would you get?

If you’re going to get more than one answer, then you need to be sure you communicate to them what the mission of the business is.

I think essentially what we’re working on in the moment, internal comms, so we’re building a number of collaterals and tools to ensure that everyone in the business understands what our three core values are and understands what the business mission is. Therefore, essentially we’re all working towards a common goal. We’re still working on that. It’s part of the induction process when people join the team, but they need to be reminded, and they need to be fostering that focus amongst other team members.