How Have You Changed As a Person?
Here’s the final video from our Q&A session we filmed with Louis de Rohan, founder of PR agency LDR London. In this one he talks about the importance discipline and rigor. It’s great stuff and advice that I endorse 100%.
The question was “How have you changed as a person?”
Here are the 4 previous questions and answers, in case you missed them:
How do you know when you have the right team?
How do you handle giving away control in your business?
One word: discipline. I was undisciplined. I get bored quickly. I wasn’t interested in systems, and spreadsheets, and stuff; boring. I’m a creative. I want to inspire; I want to come up with great ideas, great concepts, and sell them in and secure a budget. For me, it’s the chase; it’s exciting. So discipline and then rigor, and there’s loads of other things, but discipline about committing, for example, to these sessions. I think I came to all but one in three years.
So yeah, some days you’re like “really… really?” – “yes, really!” because that’s like a 20-mile march. That is your 20-mile march. It’s focused. It’s like a pendulum swinging, and that is what will get you to the next level in terms of your growth.
Reading about how an entrepreneur’s succeeded – Edwina devoured books and then implements some key initiatives into the business. I do the same, and it’s super exciting because once you’ve got a sweetly-running machine that is your business, you can start to turn a few dials and see dramatic changes just from being more efficient. That’s really exciting.